To optimize smart meter customer benefits, mobility will be critical. For example, to communicate with customers regarding real-time pricing then to provide them with the ability to respond by interacting with appliances and other behind-the-meter devices, there will need to be “an app for that.” Leveraging tablets and smart phone technology has an essential role in energy efficiency advancement, or more accurately, the efficient use of energy. As utilities begin to offer and utilize apps, technology privacy must be addressed. This month our friends from Privacy by Design released a primer to assist smart grid app developers: Privacy by Design  Fundamentals for Smart Grid App Developers.

The primer includes an appendix that provides a list of technical resources to aid in the protection of personal information when designing apps. A few of the tips offered for smart grid app developers include:

  • Proactive not Reactive; Preventative not Remedial
  • Privacy as the Default Setting
  • End-to-End Security – Full Lifecycle Protection