Despite having approved Central Maine Power’s (CMP’s) Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI) plan in February 2010 as a program designed to “improve customer service, enhance storm restoration efforts, reduce utility operational costs, save ratepayer and utility costs, and ultimately provide customers with necessary tools to use electricity more efficiently,” on January 4, 2011, the Maine PUC voted unanimously to open an investigation at the request of complainants citing health concerns. (Docket Numbers 2010-345, and 2010-389). The Commission states the investigation will examine:

  • the possibility of local opt-outs to the program already being implemented and installed by CMP;
  • the possible effect of such an opt-out on the original federal Department of Energy (DOE) grant which helped fund approximately half the cost of the program;
  • the availability of hard-wire alternatives from CMP;
  • cost implications of any alternatives; and
  • what impact the alternatives would have on the smart grid program’s goals. 

Attorney Beth George of Scarborough, MI, is just one of several CMP customers requesting an investigation. Her letter to the Commission expressed concern about a few of her neighbors having “some type of heart failure” within weeks of each other. Additionally, the Scarborough Town Council passed a resolution requesting CMP to delay the installation of the “so called smart meters.” The Council is asking the Commission to give customers the ability to opt out of having the wireless smart meters installed. Several state representatives weighed in requesting an investigation as well.

I wonder if any of the complainants have cell phones, use Wi-Fi for their home internet connections or use cordless phones? Will CMP lower its carbon footprint by sending a meter reader to read three meters on Cleveland Circle and two meters on Hampton Circle? Obviously efficiencies will be lost. And what about the software and other technology issues? Will CMP have to maintain dual billing systems? There is a strong possibility these options will take an expensive plan and make it cost prohibitive.